Seven Reasons We Don’t Take Care of Ourselves
by Joyce Meyer
I meet a lot of people in the course of my ministry. Sadly,
I see too many who are not taking care of themselves. Many of them clearly feel
terrible. Anyone can see this in the way they look and the way they carry
themselves. You simply cannot look really great if you don’t feel great. How
you feel will show up somewhere; in your body language, the dull look in your
eyes, or even the color of your skin.
It is in our nature to take care of ourselves, so why don’t
we? I thought about the ways that this can go wrong, and I came up with these
1. We don’t know how to take care of our physical bodies.
Decades of bad diets, misinformation, and easy access to fast food and
prepackaged food have left people amazingly confused about what a wholesome
diet is and how they should eat.
2. We have a skewed body image planted in our minds by media
and advertising. On one side we are inundated with unattainable ideals of
beauty, while on the other, obesity is so prevalent that it’s almost considered
the norm. We need to reset our internal picture of what a healthy person should
look like.
3. We have lost touch with exercise. For virtually all of
human existence, exercise was an integral part of our daily existence. Now
we’ve invented enough conveniences that we often live completely divorced from
exercise. However, it turns out a good deal of our well-being is dependent on
4. We have let ourselves slip into unworkable lives. With
the incredible pressures of juggling career and parenthood, paying steep mortgages
and increased fuel prices and burning the proverbial candle at both ends and
everywhere in between, it is oh-so-easy to put the workout off, grab a
cheeseburger on the run, cheat our sleep time in order to catch up on paperwork
and let the tail wag the dog until we’ve cut everything out of our lives that
once gave us pleasure or kept us sane. This is bad enough, because life is a
gift and is meant to be joyful. It should be pleasurable and sane.
5. We have become pathologically selfless. Selflessness can
be addictive. It feels so good to do for others and it makes us feel important.
Yes, it is a good thing to help others and should be a major part of our life,
but in my line of work, I often see people who routinely ignore their basic
needs. The only thing that gives them meaning is doing things for others. This
is admirable, but it can easily cross the line into mistaking suffering for
virtue. Martyrs usually end up bitter. And once the body breaks down and life
is no longer joyful, it becomes increasingly hard to serve anyone. Volunteers
in a soup kitchen don’t let their pots fall apart while they ladle out one more
bowl of soup. They take the time to care for the equipment they need to do
their calling. And you should do the same with your most important piece of
equipment—your body.
I am not suggesting that we be selfish because that renders
us very unhappy and is not how God teaches us to live. We are to live
sacrificially and be involved in doing good works, but we must not ignore our
own basic needs in the process. Everything in life must be balanced or
something breaks down and quite often it is us.
6. We have lost our support. When we don’t have a good
social network or a godly foundation to keep our spirits high, it becomes easy
to slip into boredom, loneliness, and depression. If we aren’t able to somehow
fill that void, the devil will. You may have heard the saying “Nature abhors a
vacuum.” Well, let me tell you, the devil loves one! He’ll put lots of bad food
within easy reach and let you mistake spiritual or emotional hunger for
physical hunger. Maintaining a good support network is a terrific way to
prevent the formation of bad habits.
We need to have right people around us who will speak if
they see us getting out of balance. We need to spend regular time in fellowship
with God and learning His principals. His Holy Spirit who works through His
Word convicts us of wrongdoing and gives us the chance to make positive changes
before we break down or become ill.
7. We have forgotten our own value. This is the biggest
reason we don’t take care of ourselves. If you don’t understand your own
importance in the Big Plan, taking care of yourself seems pointless. Reminding
you of your place in God’s plan is my first and most important task.
If you’re not sure of your value in God’s eyes, then I
invite you to read this article. There’s a crucial link between our spirits and
our bodies that we all need to understand.
God has a great future planned for you and you need to be
ready for it! You need to look great and feel great, ready to do whatever God
asks of you.
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